Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thing #3

My next assignment on my project was to design an avatar that represents me. As you can see from my avatar there are a couple of things right off the bat that you might notice: #1. My husband is nowhere to be found.....which is bad. #2. I'm walking away from Vegas on foot.....which is bad for my husband also. #3. As you can see, I'm dressed to go shopping! Purse in hand, comfortable clothes and shoes, I'm ready to do some damage.....which is REALLY bad for my husband.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My First Blog Post!! WooHoo!! (Thing #2 pointers)

As I start on this "journey" of blog writing, my goal (which happens t be step 1 of the 7 1/2 Habits tutorial) is to express my honest opinion of 23 chosen websites. FYI for the readers just tuning in, this blog will start with 23 reviews of various websites hand picked by Spring Branch I.S.D. Along the way, I may pop in a thought or 2, about some nonsense that comes to me. So......Thing #2. Thing #2 consist of a tutorial of 7 and 1/2 habits to become a highly successful lifelong learner. All habits are pretty much basic knowledge, but the easiest for me would have to be #3 - View Problems as Challenges. I can relate to this habit because I'm super competitive, and the best person to challenge is yourself. The hardest habit for me would have to be #7 and 1/2 - Play. Listen, I know this is easy, but for me I tend to play too much. To much to the point where I'm having so much fun I forget the objective. (Which can be awesome at times)