Monday, July 19, 2010

Delicious #13

Lucky number thirteen consist of the website Delicious. When I was reading this, I have to be honest, I did not understand why this site would be useful. I mean, they want you to create an account and save your favorite websites on your account? Uh HELLO! I have that on my computer already. Then I got to thinking, this is actually pretty genius. I cant tell you how many times I've wanted to show someone a website but could not remember the name of it. This website allows you to save bookmarks on their website so you will have access to them anytime you are online. The main purpose of this challenge was to master the art of tags. Tags are simply that. Tags are a simple word that describes the site. say your looking for phone reviews for Tmobile users. Well then simply put: phone, review, T-Mobile. This website would be very useful to students simply because with only a couple of main words, Delicious will find bookmarks that coincide with their search.

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